Monday, June 15, 2015

Lost Dreams

She dreamed a dream like any child,

Begging for a magical wand as she smiled.

She dreamed a dream of her favourite toy,

The one that the war did destroy.

She dreamed a dream that starry night

While her brother kept watch, ready to fight.

She dreamed a dream unheard of,

A dream that made her family scoff.

She dreamed a dream unconstrained,

Her pleas were met with much disdain.

She dreamed a dream unlike any other,

She enrolled herself, much like her brother.

She dreamed a dream where they'd understand

As she chopped her hair, strand by strand.

She dreamed a dream she had long wished for,

Years roared by in the cursed war.

She dreamed a dream she had secretly tended,

She married her love once the war ended.

She dreamed a dream that scared her most,

They were still haunted by the Ghost.

She dreamed a dream she always did,

She watched the road, her eyes timid.

She dreamed a dream like every other wife

That her lost man returns to her life.

She dreamed a dream, she always cried,

For the memories that were denied.

She dreamed a dream like the aged do,

She looked away, her attendant withdrew.

She dreamed a dream of her childhood,

She dreamed a dream of all she withstood.

She dreamed a dream of her sons

Was their future too riddled with guns?

She dreamt her last, in that bed of oak,

Her everything lost in the ghastly smoke.

About the post: I had come across a theme-Stories of the Lost. This is an attempt on the same. Hope you found it interesting.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Arcane Rhapsodies - A tale of two cousins

Tropenmuseum, part of the National Museum of World Cultures [CC BY-SA 3.0
(], via Wikimedia Commons

The Prince, Ajatasattu, became his ardent devotee,
“Your father, our King, is unable to see,
He aids Gautam despite Gautam’s old age.
A Prince?! Huh! Where is your warrior’s rage?
A canary in this golden cage!”

“You desire to rule, do you not?”,
Little by little, Devadatta began to plot.
“I shall win, if the Prince takes the throne,
Gautam must die.”, he was maligned by that thought alone.

He wished to be the leader, the supreme one,
He lost his ‘iddhi’ as soon as this thought he spun.
But Buddha had himself refused to let him have his way,
Devdatta meandered along hate, he had lead himself astray.

Not only did he coax a son to torture his father,
But he weaved a plan that would lead to slaughter.
He would kill Buddha with some help from the King.
He spoke wildly, “Ajatasattu, great news I bring.
Soon, Gautam shall pass through your kingdom,
Position your archers as I say and He shall be overcome.”
The King nodded and did as he was told,
Not one but sixteen archers patrolled.
Each was given a different road to man,
One to kill the other, such was Devadatta’s plan.

About the post: This an excerpt from "Arcane Rhapsodies". It narrates the tale of two cousins, Gautam Buddha and Devadatta, who were so different from each other, in thought and action. Devadatta aspired to be greater than Gautam Buddha and form his own order of Buddhism, there are several stories that depict his envy and hatred towards his cousin, so much so that he tried to kill Gautam Buddha. Ajatasattu was his devotee, the prince of Magadha, who imprisoned & tortured his father and King at the behest of Devadatta.