Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Gossamer Dreams (Haiku)

Of gossamer dreams
I have made you my dear child
-I looked up and smiled.

Demanding justice
Till their fists began to bleed
-Man and maker plead.

Death alone was real
Life, mere musings of the mind
-Around mortals twined.

Pygmy patisches
Left the artist most worried
-Perhaps God agreed.

About the post: There is an obvious theme to the set of haikus. They touch upon the the relationship between mankind and its maker. Putting aside all the religious origins and beliefs of mankind, I wonder how different we are from our ancestors, were they perfect in the eyes of God? Are we for better or worse? Do we really know what's real and what's not? Don't mind my questions, I am a really curious person and think about our version of reality, our understanding of things around us quite often.
I was actually reading a book where I came across some beautiful words- "gossamer" (means "delicate material or substance") and "pastiches" (means "an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist or period") . I really wanted to use them in my writing and hence this post. :) Hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Of seashells and memories

What could she ever hope to find
Jumbled jigsaw in her mind
Staring into empty space
Miles away, herself she'd chase
A faint hum of an old lullaby
A glimmer of hope in her eye
Memories that were very dear
The seashell whispering in her ear
Sand castles upon the beach
The waves within her reach
Watching them come and go
The sand, the sun, the watery glow

About the post:

Been long since my last post but I was really caught up with an exam...and its over now, although, other exams are coming up but I will make time to write. I will. New Year Resolution it is!

I found myself wandering somewhere in my mind, thinking about how the struggles of finding oneself, real self, remembering a memory, or remembering who we really are. Wrote this one in a way that it can be read both ways, top to bottom and bottom to top. No punctuations mostly to aid the two way readability.

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year :)